Logo Design

A logo is like a tattoo... constant. It's on everything that you do, every letter you send, every advert you put out there, every box, every menu, every invoice.  It really does matter that you like it, love it, because you are going to be looking at it all day, every day. And getting rid of a logo is also similar to getting rid of a tattoo, it takes time, effort and money. So, be sure you love what you have before committing to it.

A great logo is a joy to look at. It tells the world everything you want them to know, it's your FIRST impression on a new client, and we know how important those are. Creating something so important for a client is a deeply satisfying thing to do and I always look forward to it.

Here are some logos I created for varying organisations:

If you think you would like me to create a logo for you, let's talk - just click on the contact button to the right and drop me a line.

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